Sequence of Operations
- Why is the fan running?
- Power Control Module
- Safeties and Alarms
- Can a Pelican thermostat control a two position actuator?
- How do I enable an exhaust fan?
- How does a thermostat control a two speed fan?
- How does a thermostat control two stages of cooling?
- How does a thermostat control two stages of heating?
- Is there a purge cycle at the end of a heating or cooling cycle?
- What does a thermostat do when it reads high CO2 levels?
- Why did cool start running on its own?
- Why did heat start running on its own?
- Why is cool running before the schedule starts?
- Why is heat running before the schedule starts?
- Why is my thermostat waiting?
- Why is the fan running?
- Zone Controller
PEARL Controller
- Can I schedule the outside damper to go to 100% ventilation pre-occupancy?
- How do I enable an ERV/HRV with a PEARL?
- How does a PEARL control a Variable Speed Fan (VFD)?
- How does Pelican calculate outdoor enthalpy levels?
- How does the PEARL calculate where to place the outside damper during an economizer cycle?
- What is Activation Differential?
- What is the economizer sequence of operation?
- What is the Maximum Ventilation Position?
- Why did my outdoor damper open?
- Why did my outdoor damper stay closed?