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How do I schedule events for multiple rooms?

Creating an Event for Multiple Rooms

1. From the main page of your app, select the blue button labeled Schedule Dashboard.

2. Select show calendar in the upper right hand corner of your app.

3. There are two type of event schedules that can be shared between multiple thermostats:

If you want to share an event across thermostats that are grouped together, follow section: Share an Event Across Grouped Thermostats. These events will be displayed in Green on the schedule dashboard’s calendar and only be applied to the thermostats within that group.

If you want to share an event across thermostats who follow the same Shared Schedule, follow section: Share an Event Across Thermostats with the same Shared Schedule. These events will be displayed in Yellow on the schedule dashboard’s calendar and only be applied to those thermostats that follow the same Shared Schedule.

Share an Event Across Grouped Thermostats

1. You can view the schedule dashboard’s calendar in Day, Week, or Month view. For creating events it is easiest to do this in Month view. In the upper right hand corner of the schedule dashboard, select Month.

2. A light yellow bar on the calendar indicates today’s date. To change which month you are viewing select the left/right arrows in the top right of the schedule dashboard.

3. Thermostat groups are found on the left side of the schedule dashboard under the Manage Thermostat Schedules section. Groupings in this section are identical to the way thermostats are grouped on the main page of your app. Group names are identified by being far left aligned, they will have an arrow next to their name that allows you to collapse and open the grouped thermostats, and the thermostats in that group will be listed below them.

4. Find the thermostat group you would like to add an event too.

5. Move your mouse to the right of the group name until it is sitting on the calendar day you want to add an event too.

6. A dark green bar will appear on the calendar with a light green bar spread across all the grouped thermostats. This indicates that this event is going to be shared across all these thermostats.

7. Select the dark green bar to edit the event schedule.

8. In the pop-up name the event under Event Name.

7. Select the Start Time icon to adjust the time the event begins and the End Time icon to adjust when the event ends. The end time must be after the start time.

8. Set the System Type and the Heat and/or Cool setpoints you would like the thermostats to set too for these event.

9. If you are done editing the event, you can select Done. If you want to create more event edits, select More Setting. . .

10. Under More Setting. . . you can set a Repeat for the event, adjust which day the event starts, and create a day for the event to end (an end date will only appear if the event repeats). You can also set addition thermostat schedule options such as Fan operation, Outside Ventilation, and Lock/Unlock the thermostat’s keypad.

11. If you want this event to repeat, select the Repeat and select the type of repeat you want to occur. More detail is explained below:

12. If you need to change which day the event starts, select the Event Date and choose the correct start day on the pop-up calendar. On this calendar, the month and year you are viewing will display in the top middle of the pop-up. To change which month you are viewing, select the single arrow to the right or left of the month name. To change which year you are viewing, select the double arrow to the right or left of the month name. A red number indicates today’s date and a blue solid date indicates the current day the event is scheduled to start on.

13. If your schedule is set to repeat, an End Date option will appear. If you do not select an End Date, then the event will repeat on the days and times you selected into the future indefinitely. If you have an end date for the event, select End Date and choose the correct end day on the calendar that appears.

14. Once you are done editing your shared schedule, select the Done button. You will see your event on the shared dashboard calendar for all the days you set it to occur. It can take 30 minutes or more for the event to populate into all your Pelican thermostats.

15. To edit or delete an event, scroll down in this section of the Knowledge Base to learn more.

Share an Event Across Thermostats with the same Shared Schedule

1. You can view the schedule dashboard’s calendar in Day, Week, or Month view. For creating events it is easiest to do this in Month view. In the upper right hand corner of the schedule dashboard, select Month.

2. A light yellow bar on the calendar indicates today’s date. To change which month you are viewing select the left/right arrows in the top right of the schedule dashboard.

3. Shared Schedules are found on the left side of the schedule dashboard under the Manage Shared Schedules section. To see which thermostats follow each shared schedule, look under the Manage Thermostat Schedules section. To the right of the thermostat name you will see the schedule type that thermostat follows.

4. Find the thermostat shared schedule you would like to add an event too.

5. Move your mouse to the right of the shared schedule until it is sitting on the calendar day you want to add an event too.

6. A dark yellow bar will appear on the shared schedule calendar and identical dark yellow bars will appear on the calendar to the right of the thermostats that follow that same shared schedule. This indicates that this event is going to be shared across these thermostats.

7. Select the dark yellow bar on the shared schedule calendar to edit the event schedule.

8. In the pop-up name the event under Event Name.

7. Select the Start Time icon to adjust the time the event begins and the End Time icon to adjust when the event ends. The end time must be after the start time.

8. Set the System Type and the Heat and/or Cool setpoints you would like the thermostats to set too for these event.

9. If you are done editing the event, you can select Done. If you want to create more event edits, select More Setting. . .

10. Under More Setting. . . you can set a Repeat for the event, adjust which day the event starts, and create a day for the event to end (an end date will only appear if the event repeats). You can also set addition thermostat schedule options such as Fan operation, Outside Ventilation, and Lock/Unlock the thermostat’s keypad.

11. If you want this event to repeat, select the Repeat and select the type of repeat you want to occur. More detail is explained below:

12. If you need to change which day the event starts, select the Event Date and choose the correct start day on the pop-up calendar. On this calendar, the month and year you are viewing will display in the top middle of the pop-up. To change which month you are viewing, select the single arrow to the right or left of the month name. To change which year you are viewing, select the double arrow to the right or left of the month name. A red number indicates today’s date and a blue solid date indicates the current day the event is scheduled to start on.

13. If your schedule is set to repeat, an End Date option will appear. If you do not select an End Date, then the event will repeat on the days and times you selected into the future indefinitely. If you have an end date for the event, select End Date and choose the correct end day on the calendar that appears.

14. Once you are done editing your shared schedule, select the Done button. You will see your event on the shared dashboard calendar for all the days you set it to occur. It can take 30 minutes or more for the event to populate into all your Pelican thermostats.

15. To edit or delete an event, scroll down in this section of the Knowledge Base to learn more.

Edit a Shared Event

1. You can view the schedule dashboard’s calendar in Day, Week, or Month view. For finding and editing events it is easiest to do this in Month view. In the upper right hand corner of the schedule dashboard, select Month.

2. A light yellow bar on the calendar indicates today’s date. To change which month you are viewing select the left/right arrows in the top right of the schedule dashboard.

3. Event Schedules will either be found on the Shared Scheduled calendar or the Manage Thermostat Schedules calendar. A yellow event indicates an event that shares between thermostats which follow the same Shared Schedule. A green event indicates an event that is shared between thermostats which have been grouped together. And a blue event indicates an event that is just being follow by a single thermostat. On the calendar find and select the event you want to edit.

4. In the event configuration pop-up, change the settings for the event to the desired schedule. Once you have completed your edits, select Done. It can take 30 minutes or more for the event changes to populate into all your Pelican thermostats.

Rename a Shared Event

1. You can view the schedule dashboard’s calendar in Day, Week, or Month view. For finding and renaming events it is easiest to do this in Month view. In the upper right hand corner of the schedule dashboard, select Month.

2. A light yellow bar on the calendar indicates today’s date. To change which month you are viewing select the left/right arrows in the top right of the schedule dashboard.

3. Event Schedules will either be found on the Shared Scheduled calendar or the Manage Thermostat Schedules calendar. A yellow event indicates an event that shares between thermostats which follow the same Shared Schedule. A green event indicates an event that is shared between thermostats which have been grouped together. And a blue event indicates an event that is just being follow by a single thermostat. On the calendar find and select the event you want to rename.

4. In the event configuration pop-up, change the name for the event to the desired name for that event schedule. Once you have completed your edits, select Done. The new event name will immedicably be shown on the schedule dashboard calendar.

Delete a Shared Event

1. You can view the schedule dashboard’s calendar in Day, Week, or Month view. For finding and delete an event it is easiest to do this in Month view. In the upper right hand corner of the schedule dashboard, select Month.

2. A light yellow bar on the calendar indicates today’s date. To change which month you are viewing select the left/right arrows in the top right of the schedule dashboard.

3. Event Schedules will either be found on the Shared Scheduled calendar or the Manage Thermostat Schedules calendar. A yellow event indicates an event that shares between thermostats which follow the same Shared Schedule. A green event indicates an event that is shared between thermostats which have been grouped together. And a blue event indicates an event that is just being follow by a single thermostat. On the calendar find and select the event you want to delete.

4. On the bottom of the event configuration pop-up, you will see a Delete button. Select Delete to remove this event from your Pelican solution. The event will immediately disappear from the calendar.