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Demand Response

Site object attribute can be used to start and stop Demand Response Events with a request type of drEvent or drEventCancel. This API interface simply schedules an event to run or cancels a running/scheduled event.

Scheduled drEvent

Only one demand response event can be scheduled at any given time. Scheduling a new drEvent overrides/deletes an existing scheduled drEvent. A drEventCancel will cancel the scheduled or active demand response event.

Setting Which Thermostats will Setback

Through the Pelican App, a user settable section called Demand Response provides configuration capabilities that allow Pelican site administrators to set which devices will participate in a demand response event and how much setback should be applied to thermostat settings based on the drEvent level scheduled.

Pelican does not manage contracts, relationship, or agreements between customers and their demand response aggregator. Therefore, setting which thermostats will setback and how far they setback are only settable through the Pelican App interface and are not settable through the API. This means that a clear discussion between the demand response aggregator and the Pelican customer must occur, so that which thermostats are participating and how they will change during a demand response event is widely understood.

Scheduling a Demand Response Event

A demand response event can be scheduled for a site by sending a request=drEvent to the object=Site using the following attributes.

drEvent - Request Attributes

Attribute names are not case sensitive. Attribute values are case sensitive.

Name Value Description
startDateTime Date/Time ISO 8601 Formatted Date Time which sets the time for the event to start.
duration isoDuration ISO 8601 Formatted Duration, which sets how long the event is to run (ie. 15 minutes = PT15M, 1 hour = PT1H).
level Integer The level of the event: 0=Normal, 1=Moderate, 2=High, 3=Special.

Example drEvent HTTPS request:

The following HTTPS request would start a 2 hour high setback event for August 1, 2022 at 3:00pm:


Thermostat drEvent participation information:

DemandResponseHistory does not provide individual thermostat demand response related historical information.

To query if a demand response event is currently active for one or multiple thermostats: use the Thermostat object with the attribute setback to retrieve this information

To query historical information on how long one or multiple thermostats participated in a demand response event: use the ThermostatHistory object with the date/time range and attribute setback to retrieve this information.

To query additional information about the state of a thermostat before, during, and after a Demand Response Event: use the ThermostatHistory object attributes associated with the historical information you are looking to GET.

Cancelling a Demand Response Event

An active or scheduled demand response event can cancelled or deleted at anytime by sending a request=drEventCancel to object=Site. If an active event is not cancelled, it will automatically terminate on schedule based on the duration provided in the original drEvent request.

Example drEventCancel HTTPS request:

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