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DemandResponseHistory attributes allows you to retrieve historical information related to when past Demand Response events occurred and their duration.

DemandResponseHistory request must include at least the required selection attributes, which specify a starting date/time (startDateTime) and an ending date/time (endDateTime). If you do not specify any DemandResponseHistory object attributes in the request, so only the date range is part of the request, then all DemandResponseHistory object attribute historical information will be returned within the specified date range.

DemandResponseHistory - Selection Attributes

Attribute names are not case sensitive. Attribute values are case sensitive.

Name Value Required Description
startDateTime Date/Time Yes ISO 8601 Formatted Date Time. Used for selecting the history date range to retrieve.
endDateTime Date/Time Yes ISO 8601 Formatted Date Time. Used for selecting the history date range to retrieve.

DemandResponseHistory - Object Attributes

Attribute names are not case sensitive. Attribute values are case sensitive. Because this is historical information, all requests are GET only.

Name Value Description
eventID String The ID of the event.
startDateTime Date/Time When the event started. ISO 8601 Formatted Date Time.
endDateTime Date/Time When the event ended. ISO 8601 Formatted Date Time.
duration Integer The duration of the event in minutes.

Thermostat drEvent participation information:

DemandResponseHistory does not provide individual thermostat demand response related historical information.

To query if a demand response event is currently active for one or multiple thermostats: use the Thermostat object with the attribute setback to retrieve this information

To query historical information on how long one or multiple thermostats participated in a demand response event: use the ThermostatHistory object with the date/time range and attribute setback to retrieve this information.

To query additional information about the state of a thermostat before, during, and after a Demand Response Event: use the ThermostatHistory object attributes associated with the historical information you are looking to GET.

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