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How do I adjust my humidity settings?

Humidity Setting

On the Pelican App, a thermostat with humidity control enable will show Humidity Setting on it climate management page. 

  1. Select Humidity Setting.
  2. Move the slider to select either or both of the maximum and minimum humidity settings.

Maximum Humidity Setting

If your thermostat is configured for dehumidification then you will have a Maximum Humidity Setting.

What this setting does is tells the thermostat to enable dehumidification if the room’s humidity level rises above the maximum humidity setting.

Minimum Humidity Setting

If your thermostat is configured for humidification then you will have a Minimum Humidity Setting.

What this setting does is tells the thermostat to enable a humidifier if the room’s humidity level drops below the minimum humidity setting.

If you have both a Maximum and Minimum Humidity Setting:

If your thermostat is configured for dehumidification and humidification then you will have both a Maximum and Minimum Humidity Setting.

The built-in dead-band between the maximum and minimum humidity settings is 5%.

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