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What is Outside Ventilation in a schedule?

Scheduling - Outside Ventilation:

If your Pelican solution is managing your building’s ventilation rates, then thermostats will allow you to schedule when outside ventilation is active and when it is not. 

Most building codes require ventilation to be active during all normally occupied periods. Traditionally, ventilation is enabled 1 to 2 hours before normally occupied period, stays active during the normally occupied period, and remains active for 1 to 2 hours after the normally occupied period. Ventilation is then disabled during normally unoccupied periods. 

For ventilation to be active, the thermostat must have Fan and Outside Ventilation set to ON. These settings can be set in your Pelican thermostat’s schedule.

Thermostat Schedules

A thermostat’s schedule is managed through your Pelican App. The most common place to manage thermostat schedules is on the Schedule Dashboard.

  1. Login to your Pelican App.
  2. Select Schedule Dashboard.
In a thermostat’s schedule, anytime Fan and Outside Ventilation is set to ON, your Pelican solution will enable the supply fan and set your outside air damper to either provide minimum ventilation rates, or if you have CO2 sensors, then the ventilation rate in relation to the CO2 level in the room (also know as Demand Ventilation). 

If you want ventilation to only occur during heating and cooling cycles, then you would schedule Outside Ventilation to On and Fan to Auto.

Outside Ventilation example:

As can be seen in the example below, Outside Ventilation would be enabled by the schedule at 7:00 am, and would remain enabled until the next scheduled set-time of  8:00 PM, which disables outside ventilation.

Enables Ventilation from 7:00 AM

Disables Ventilation after 8:00 PM

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