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How do I turn OFF the Fan?


On your Pelican App's navigate to a thermostat's climate control screen that you want to turn Fan Off for.

Setting the Fan to Auto

Setting Fan to AUTO and setting the System to AUTO, means the fan will only run during a Heating, Cooling, or Demand Ventilation cycle*.

If you set Fan in AUTO and System to OFF, the fan will only run during a Demand Ventilation cycle*.

There is no “Fan OFF” setting because the Fan must run during the specific cycles as mentioned above.

*Demand Ventilation will run with thermostats that have integrated CO2 sensors.

How do I turn ON the Fan?

On your Pelican App's navigate to a thermostat's climate control screen that you want to turn Fan On for.

Setting the Fan to ON

Setting Fan to ON will force the thermostat to enable the fan. The fan will stay enabled until it is either manually or a scheduled back to AUTO.

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