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Site API

Site information includes attributes used by the entire installed site.

Site - Object Attributes

Attribute names are not case sensitive. Attribute values are case sensitive.

Name Values Settable Description
altName String Yes Alternate site identifier (Displayed in MySites).
kwhCost Decimal Number Yes Average cost of a kilowatt hour for the site.
OpenADREventEnd ISO 8601 DateTime No Scheduled event end time for the active Demand Response event (formatted using local time zone).
OpenADREventStart ISO 8601 DateTime No Scheduled event start time for the pending Demand Response event (formatted using local time zone).
OpenADREventType Normal, Moderate, High, Special, None No Type of active Demand Response event.
OpenADRStatus Not Configured, Unusable, Inactive, Active No General status of Demand Response for the site.
postalCode String Yes Postal code used to identify site location.
thermCost Decimal Number Yes Average cost of a therm for the site.
timeZone String Yes The active timezone for the site.
type Business, Hotel, Residential Yes
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