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Thermostat API

ThermostatSchedule Attributes


ThermostatSchedule attributes allow you to list and set a thermostat’s recurring schedules. Attribute names are not case-sensitive, while attribute values are case-sensitive.

Predefined system-managed attributes for ThermostatSchedule objects, used for essential functions like temperature settings, system settings, and scheduling times. They follow a fixed structure and cannot be renamed or redefined by users.

Reserved Attributes

User Defined Attributes

Custom attributes that users can create, set, and retrieve for ThermostatSchedule objects. Any attribute name that is not reserved is treated as user-defined. These attributes are created by assigning a value via a SET request and can be accessed using GET requests. There is no restriction on the number of user-defined attributes, allowing flexibility for custom data storage and retrieval.

User-defined attributes can also be used as selection criteria. For example, if a user wants to manage a specific group of thermostats via the API, they could define an attribute named “managed” and SET its value to “yes” for the thermostats in that group. Then, by including “managed:yes;” in their selection criteria, they can filter and control only those thermostats within the designated group.

Available ThermostatSchedule Attributes

Name Values Settable Description
name String Yes The configured name of the thermostat.
serialNo String No The thermostat's serial number. Unique factory set identifier.
dayOfWeek Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Vacation Yes The day of the week for this schedule set time.
setTime Integer Yes The indexed set time for this schedule entry.
startTime String Yes The time of day (24 hr format) for this schedule entry
optimumStart On, Off Yes Whether the thermostat should use Optimum Start for this set time.
system Auto, Heat, Cool, Off Yes The system mode.
heatSetting Integer Yes The heat setting.
coolSetting Integer Yes The cool setting.
fan Auto, On Yes The fan setting.
keypad On, Off Yes The keypad setting.
outsideVentilation On, Off Yes Whether the thermostat is allowed to use Outside Ventilation.
delete None Yes Delete the specified schedule entry.
deleteAll None Yes Delete the schedule for the entire day.

Code Examples


Get the current Temperature, Humidity, and CO2 Level for a thermostat named "Lobby"

					curl -Ls ";&value=temperature;humidity;co2Level"
					#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use strict;
use ClimateControl;
# You can request a copy of the ClimateControl Perl
# Module from Pelican Tech Support.
# Send an email to

# Create a new ClimateControl object
my $cc = ClimateControl->new(
    '',      # username
    'pelican',                        # password
    ''  # website

# Define the selection and attributes to retrieve
my $selection = { 'name' => 'Lobby' };
my $attrlist = ['temperature', 'humidity', 'co2Level'];

# Call getAttributes to retrieve the Thermostat data
my $result = $cc->getAttributes('Thermostat', $selection, $attrlist);

# Check and display the result
if ($result->{'success'}) {
    print "Success: $result->{'message'}\n";
} else {
    print "Error: $result->{'message'}\n";
					import requests

url = ";&value=temperature;humidity;co2Level"
response = requests.get(url, verify=False)

if response.status_code == 200:
    print("Success:", response.text)
    print("Error:", response.status_code)
					const https = require('https');

const url = ';&value=temperature;humidity;co2Level';

https.get(url, { rejectUnauthorized: false }, (resp) => {
  let data = '';

  // Collect data chunks
  resp.on('data', (chunk) => {
    data += chunk;

  // Handle the complete response
  resp.on('end', () => {
    if (resp.statusCode === 200) {
      console.log('Success:', data);
    } else {
      console.log('Error: HTTP', resp.statusCode);
}).on('error', (err) => {
  console.error('Error:', err.message);


<message>Retrieved attributes for 1 thermostats.</message>


Set the Heating and Cooling Ranges for the thermostat named "Lobby"

					curl -Ls ";&value=heatMin:50;heatMax:68;coolMin:72;coolMax:85"
					#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use strict;
use ClimateControl;
# You can request a copy of the ClimateControl Perl
# Module from Pelican Tech Support.
# Send an email to

# Create a new ClimateControl object
my $cc = ClimateControl->new(
    '',      # username
    'pelican',                        # password
    ''  # website

# Define the selection and values as hashes
my $selection = { 'name' => 'Lobby' };
my $values = {
    'heatMin' => '50',
    'heatMax' => '68',
    'coolMin' => '72',
    'coolMax' => '85'

# Call setAttributes to update the Thermostat
my $result = $cc->setAttributes('Thermostat', $selection, $values);

# Check and display the result
if ($result->{'success'}) {
    print "Success: $result->{'message'}\n";
} else {
    print "Error: $result->{'message'}\n";
					import requests

url = ";&value=heatMin:50;heatMax:68;coolMin:72;coolMax:85"
response = requests.get(url, verify=False)

if response.status_code == 200:
    print("Success:", response.text)
    print("Error:", response.status_code)
					const https = require('https');

const url = ';&value=heatMin:50;heatMax:68;coolMin:72;coolMax:85';

https.get(url, { rejectUnauthorized: false }, (resp) => {
  let data = '';

  // Collect data chunks
  resp.on('data', (chunk) => {
    data += chunk;

  // Handle the complete response
  resp.on('end', () => {
    if (resp.statusCode === 200) {
      console.log('Success:', data);
    } else {
      console.log('Error: HTTP', resp.statusCode);
}).on('error', (err) => {
  console.error('Error:', err.message);


<message>Updated 1 thermostats.</message>
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