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ThermostatUsage attributes allows you to retrieve thermostat run-time and consumption related historical information.

A ThermostatUsage request must include at least the required selection attributes, which specify a starting date/time (startDateTime), an ending date/time (endDateTime), and how the data is to be returned (duration). If you do not specify any ThermostatUsage object attributes in the request, so only the date range is part of the request, then all ThermostatUsage object attribute historical information will be returned for every thermostat part of the site within the specified date range.

ThermostatUsage - Selection Attributes

Attribute names are not case sensitive. Attribute values are case sensitive.

Name Values Required Description
startDateTime Date/Time Yes ISO 8601 Formatted Date Time. Used for selecting the history date range to retrieve.
endDateTime Date/Time Yes ISO 8601 Formatted Date Time. Used for selecting the history date range to retrieve. A maximum of 30 days of history can be retrieved in a single request.
duration One of: month, day, 15minute Yes How the data is to be returned.
month: results are for the entire month. A maximum of 12 months of usage can be retrieved in a single request.
day: results are for each day. A maximum of 31 days of usage can be retrieved in a single request.
15minute: results are for 15-minute increments. A maximum of 24 hours of usage can be retrieved in a single request.
name String No The configured name of the thermostat.
groupName String No The configured group name for that thermostat.
serialNo String No The thermostat's serial number. Unique factory set identifier.

ThermostatUsage - Object Attributes

Attribute names are not case sensitive. Attribute values are case sensitive. Because this is historical information, all requests are GET only.

Value Type Description
name String The configured name of the thermostat.
groupName String The configured group name for that thermostat.
serialNo String The thermostat's serial number. Unique factory set identifier.
heatMinutes Integer The number of minutes heating was active.
coolMinutes Integer The number of minutes cooling was active.
fanMinutes Integer The number of minutes only the fan was acive.
heatStage2Minutes Integer The number of minutes second stage heating was active.
CoolStage2Minutes Integer The number of minutes second stage cooling was active.
totalkWh Decimal The calculated kilowatt-hours for heating and cooling consumers.
totalTherms Decimal The calculated therms for heating consumers.
timestamp Date/Time ISO 8601 Formatted Date Time.
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