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Types of Information

Pelican API access is divided into 8 categories: Thermostats, Power Control Modules, MySites, User, Notifications, Demand Response, and Power Usage.

There are two types of attributes supported for each category of objects. The first type are reserved and predefined. These attributes are defined in sections titled “Object Attributes”. 

In addition to the predefined attributes, users can define, set and retrieve their own attributes. Any attribute name which is not reserved will be treated like a User Defined Attribute. Defining a new attribute is accomplished by setting its value through a SET request. Once set, these attributes can be accessed using GET requests. There is no restriction on the number of user defined attributes or their values. User defined attributes can also be used as part of the selection criteria.

For example, if the user wants to manage a group of thermostats through the API, they could define an attribute named “managed” and set its value to “yes” for the thermostats in the user’s group. Then they could include “managed:yes;” in their selection criteria to only affect their special group of thermostats.

Thermostat API

Thermostat access includes real-time access to all thermostat configurations, active settings, and current readings and two (2) years of historical data can be retrieved for reporting and analysis. This includes both the TC and TS series Pelican thermostats.

Thermostat related Attributes:

Thermostat – object attributes allow you to set and retrieve thermostat configurations and active statuses.

ThermostatSchedule – object attributes list and allow you to set scheduled settings for thermostats.

SharedSchedule – object attributes list and allow you to set shared scheduled for all thermostats that are linked to that shared schedule.

ThermostatHistory – object attributes allows you to retrieve thermostat historical readings and setpoint information.

ThermostatEvent – object attributes allow you to set scheduled one-time events that override a thermostat’s recurring schedule.

ThermostatUsage – object attributes allows you to retrieve thermostat run-time and consumption related historical information.

Power Control Module API

The power control modulate access includes real-time access to configurations and active states of the Power Control Module. This includes both the PM5-120/240 and PM5-277 modules.

Power Control Module related Attributes:

PowerOutput – object attributes allows you to change active statuses of the Power Control Module’s relays. Each Power Control Module have five (5) output relays.

PowerSchedule – object attributes allow you to set one-time or recurring schedules for the Power Control Module’s relay outputs.

MySites API

MySites access provides a convenient way to retrieve information about all of the sites their username has access to. 

MySites related Attributes:

MySites – object attributes allows you to obtain summary information such as site domain names, gateway active statuses, number of active devices, and notifications for each site. It also provides a multi-site token request for authenticating additional APIs to the sites part of MySites.

User API

User access provides information on the active admin and users for a Pelican Site. This also allows text and email notification settings to be made through the User API.

User related Attributes:

User – object attributes allows you to obtain summary information from the User Management section of the Pelican App.

Notification API

Notification provides current and historical notification statuses generated at sites. Notifications statuses can also be changed through the Notification API.

Notification related Attributes:

Notification – object attributes allows you to obtain active and historical notification statuses.

Site API

Site provides Pelican App site level related information.

Notification related Attributes:

Site – object attributes provides Pelican App site level related information.

Demand Response API

Demand Response provides the ability to schedule demand response events and receive historical information on past demand response participation.

Note: Pelicans Demand Response API is separate from the use of OpenADR 1.0 or OpenADR 2.0 as the demand response protocol (contact Pelican Technical Support for further assistance on OpenADR integrations).

Demand Response related Attributes:

drEvent – request attributes allow you to start and stop Demand Response Events using the Site object type with a request type of drEvent or drEventCancel.

DemandResponseHistory – object attributes allows you to obtain historical demand response event information.

PowerLink API

PowerLink API provides summarized energy usage tracked by a Pelican PowerLink and then stored in the Pelican App. 

Note: The PowerLink is a special order item and traditionally used by utilities or utility program managers to monitor energy consumptions at meters or dedicated equipment at Pelican customer sites. If your company would like more information on the PowerLink, please contact Pelican’s Sales team.

PowerLink related Attributes:

PowerUsage – object attributes allows you to obtain summarized information on energy being tracked by a Pelican PowerLink.

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