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What are the different schedule Repeat options?

Repeating a Schedule

When setting up a schedule you have the option between three different schedule repeats: Daily, Weekday/Weekend, and Weekly. This section goes over those different repeat options and some tips and tricks on how to take advantage of them when setting up schedules.


A Daily schedule means the thermostat will follow the same schedule set-times each day of the week (Monday – Sunday).



A Weekday/Weekend schedule means the thermostat will follow scheduled set-times for Monday – Friday (weekdays) and a different schedule of set-times for Saturday and Sunday (weekend).

This is the most common repeat option for commercial customers since many businesses are occupied during the weekdays and unoccupied on the weekends, which requires different thermostat schedules between those days of the week.


A Weekly schedule means the thermostat will follow different scheduled set-times for each day of the week (Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday).

This is the a common repeat option for customers who have different occupied and unoccupied periods across the week or between the weekends (Saturday and Sunday).

Tip #1 - Cutting down the time to create a Weekly Schedule:

If you set a schedule to Daily Repeat, set up all your set times in the daily schedule, and then change the repeat option to Weekly – All the set times you created under Daily will be copied and pasted into each day of your now Weekly Repeat schedule!

This can cut down the time it takes to set up a Weekly repeat scheduling. Once the Daily schedule is copied into each day of the week, you can go to the  individual days and just change the set-times that are different for those days.

Tip #2:

If you set a schedule to Weekday/Weekend Repeat, set up all your set times for the Monday-Friday and Saturday-Sunday schedules, and then change the repeat option to Weekly – All the set times you created under Monday-Friday will be copied into the Monday to Friday schedules and the set times you created under Saturday-Sunday will be copied into the Saturday to Sunday schedules!

This can cut down the time it takes to set up a Weekly repeat scheduling. Once the Weekday/Weekend schedule is copied into each day of the week, you can go to the individual days and just change the set-times that are different for those days.

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