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What does waiting mean?

Waiting indicates that the thermostat is waiting on another Pelican device to allow it to begin a heating, cooling, or fan cycle.

This is a normal state for a thermostat and the thermostat status will automatically change once the other Pelican device allows the thermostat to begin its cycle.

Waiting on a Zone Controller

A Pelican thermostats requesting heating, cooling, or fan circulation from a Pelican multi-zone air handler controller will be placed in Waiting until that cycle request becomes active.

Waiting on a Power Control Module

A Pelican thermostats interlocked with a Power Control Module will be placed in Waiting until the relay the Power Control Module needs to activate becomes active.

If the Power Control Module has a flow switch, then the thermostat interlocked with the Power Control Module will be placed in Waiting until flow is verified.

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