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What should I set Anticipation Degrees to?

In almost all cases, you should leave Anticipation Degrees at 0.1°F.

What are the configuration options?

0.1°F (default): Mechanical cooling will disable when the room temperature is 0.1°F above the cool set point and mechanical heating will be disabled when the room temperature is 0.1°F degrees below the heat set point.

0.0 °F: Mechanical cooling will disable when the room temperature is at the cool set point and mechanical heating will be disabled when the room temperature is at the heat set point.

0.2 °F to 0.5 °F: This increases the deviation from set point allowance for when the cooling or heating cycle will be disabled.

How does this effect the thermostat's operation?

Because there is latent heating or cooling energy in the HVAC unit, this configure sets how far from the actual temperature set point the thermostat disables the heating or cooling cycle and switches into purge mode. For more information on Pelican’s Purge Cycle, click here.

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