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Why is my thermostat waiting?

A thermostat waiting is a standard function of the Pelican solution.

Waiting means the thermostat has a heating, cooling, or ventilation request and is waiting to get confirmation from another Pelican device that the cycle is active. 

Most commonly a thermostat is waiting to get confirmation from a Pelican zone controller (Z8 or Z24). A thermostat might also be waiting for waterflow (water-source heat pumps) or a boiler or chiller to be enabled (2-pipe or 4-pipe fan coils) by a Pelican device (Z8, Z24, or PM5).

Note: Waiting does not mean the system is not working. This is a standard function of your Pelican solution.

If the thermostats is in waiting for longer than an hour:

You can always contact Pelican technical support to evaluate the reason, but here are some reasons if might be in waiting:

 Thermostats are unable to communicate with their zone controller (Z8 or Z24):

  • The most commonly reason for thermostats to not be able to communicate with their zone controller is because the zone controller’s antenna is installed in a bad location. 
  • In rare situations, such as a site with multiple gateways, the zone controller could be on a different network from the thermostats, so the thermostats are unable to communicate with their zone controller. Pelican technical support can assist with this issue. 

Thermostats are unable to communicate with their power control modulate (PM5-120/240):

  • The most commonly reason for thermostats to not be able to communicate with their power control module is because the power control modules’ antenna is installed in a bad location. 
  • The second most common reason is that power control module has lost power.
  • Another reason is the power control module has not been statically assigned an address. Pelican technical support can assist with this issue.
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